Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Let's get ready to Rumble!!!!!!

Finally AF came!!! I started taking my estrogen patches in preparation for the mock transfer. Reality is kicking in. R took a pic of me putting on my patch (she's so sentimental).  I feel excited and scared at the same time. I don't even usually like taking something for a headache, so putting all these chemicals in my body  makes me on edge. I guess I should have reconciled with that before we started! I am pretty crazy without extra hormones sprinkled on top-I just don't like not having control over my body. 
 We have our first appointment and ultrasound on Jan 29th 10am! I can't wait. By that point, I should be a fertility goddess overflowing with estrogen. R just switched her insurance so she could get more coverage. After talking to some people about what they have paid, I am super grateful that we are even given the opportunity to use insurance for this purpose.

I'll leave you with some fun facts on fertility symbols:

Getting Lucky: Using Fertility Symbols for Conception

In ancient Ireland, the Celtics believed that the Hazel tree was a very fertile being. Hazelnuts were carried in pockets or strung together and hung in the home to symbolize fertility. Interestingly, studies have shown that the oils in hazelnuts help regulate blood sugar and insulin, which can improve fertility.
Mistletoe evolved the ability to grow on branches of trees, which allows it to spread quickly. Celtic Druids believed mistletoe had the power to bestow life and fertility. They also used mistletoe as an aphrodisiac (which is why we now kiss under mistletoe at Christmas).
In Feng Shui, the pomegranate is a symbol of fertility because of its many red seeds. Place a painting of a pomegranate with lots of seeds or an artificial pomegranate in your bedroom.
Lotus Flower
The lotus flower is the highest symbol of fertility in the Hindu culture. It represents purity because lotus flowers grow in muddy waters but remain untouched by the impurities.
Across South and Central America, depictions of squatting frogs are used to represent giving birth to new life. The Romans linked frogs to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and procreation. In ancient Egypt, large numbers of frogs appeared each year when the Nile flooded. Because Egyptian civilization was dependent on this flooding, frogs became a symbol of fertility.
Ancient Egyptians used cats as a fertility symbol because they are very fertile, usually have many kittens at once, and reproduce very frequently. Cats were often mummified and buried next to its master in hopes that they would both experience a renewed birth.
In India, elephants' long trunks are associated with rain, which brings fertility to the fields. Many wedding ceremonies utilize terra-cotta elephants as a symbol of fertility. In China, elephants are considered a symbol of pregnancy. A pair of elephants are often kept on each side of the bed facing the center of the room.
In China, fish are a fertility symbol because they produce so many eggs. Fish are often pictured floating through clouds or leaping. According to Feng Shui, a double fish statue made from glass or metal should be kept in the southwest corner of the bedroom.
The Celts used the moon as a fertility symbol because the moon's phases are much like a woman's menstrual cycle. They both repeat themselves in a cycle of constant rebirth. The moon represents the assurance that fertility is always around you. 
 via www.everydayfamily.com

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