Saturday, January 19, 2013


We are almost one week into the estrogen patches for me. And R still hasn't started her period She is a week late. We can't do anything without her really. We are doing reciprocal IVF. She's putting all her eggs in my basket..literally! (sorry I am a pun queen!) So we are praying to AF daily that she pay her a visit so we can start her workup.
I feel like we are in friend limbo. Our single friends go out and party and leave us old married gals at home, and our friends with kids stay home and leave us out too. (I don't blame the married ones with kids because I just sit and drool on their babies...awkward) We just don't quite fit in either world right now and it feels a little lonely. I'm trying to work up the courage to let my workplace know my plans for the next year. So many people have or are having babies at work right now that I want so much to be apart of the conversation, but being a lesbian doing reciprocal IVF somehow doesn't quite seem to fit in with the rest. Don't get me wrong , my workplace is awesome. (they even threw us a bridal shower when we got married) I've told close friends and family and 3 coworkers, all of which asked why we are using R's eggs instead of mine and I feel like replying "Why did you use your husband's sperm?" I want her to be biologically connected too and it just feels right for us.  One co-worker is doing IVF later this year so I feel like I may have a live person to bond with.  But for now, I am left to STALK everyone else's blogs/lives. ( cue the song: why can't we be friends?) It's creepy I KNOW!  I really can't help myself and I am COMPLETELY obsessed. I keep telling myself it's for research and for inspiration but really, it's just making me more cray cray. So if you are one of the stalked I am sorry..but not really ;) Note my blog roll tripling by the minute...


  1. Hi! Congrats on moving forward with everything so quickly! I just caught up a bit and am excited to follow along with you guys.

    1. So glad to have you along for the ride! Thanks for following :)

  2. You guys sound so much like my wife and I! Is your wife a nurse as well?

    And regarding the whole talking to friends at work about reciprocal IVF, as long as you're happy with you decision (and you don't care what people think)... You're golden! I talk about it now at work as if its normal lol. People are super curious and I love answering their many questions!

    One good thing about being a lesbian that works as a nurse is that most coworkers are more accepting of diversity.... Otherwise we would kills our patients and their families lol!

    Glad I found your blog and glad you're following ours (OR STALKING). Jk I do the same thing!

    1. My wife is not a nurse but we work in the same hospital. She is a cardiovascular sonographer (say that 3 times fast!)I work in the cardiovascular ICU so we see each other all the time. We also both work nights so we are vampires together. Our workplace is indeed more accepting, I think it's just my own insecurities creeping in my head that keep me from sharing, but that's a whole other blog ;)

  3. When you get a chance shoot me an email,

    I have a few questions for you ;)!

  4. Hi! I just left a big comment on your post about choosing a donor... So come stalk us too! We have a slightly different method - home insemination usin my wife's brother as my donor (and I'll be carrying all out children), but the same kind of aim - wanting that family connection to be as tight as it can possibly be :-) I think you would love your kids equally regardless of donor, adoption etc, but how amazing to have a biological connection too if at all possible. Before we decided that I alone would carry, we had thought about using a different donor and me gestating my wife's eggs. But we decided this way (using her brother as my donor) was better for us.

  5. ahahaha this is so me right now!
